
  • 產品名稱: 7630 全功能接觸電流測試儀

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全新開發(fā)7630全功能接觸電流測試器,其內建七組人體模擬阻抗模型Measuring Device (MD),基礎涵蓋了絕大部分安規(guī)標準MD要求。除了滿足IEC60990接觸電流量測方法的要求,也符合全新安規(guī)標準接觸電流測試規(guī)范:如醫(yī)療器具(IEC60601-1)對地漏電流測試、外殼漏電流測試、患者漏電流測試及患者輔助漏電流測試的要求,資訊產品(IEC60950)的測試標準、家用電器(IEC60335-1)的測試標準、單視頻產品(IEC60065)測試標準……等。另外還提供一組外接MD方便客戶擴充使用,以因應非常特殊標準要求。此外,還可選擇量測接觸電流為真有值(RMS)或峰值(Peak),量測頻寬從DC~1MHz,且MD透過BNC量測端子,可外接示波器或電壓表方便對漏電流進行分析。7630全功能接觸電流測試器可直接測試大功率負載(Max.10KVA/40A)的接觸電流,同時,儀器可以模擬多種安規(guī)標準中要求接觸電流測試狀態(tài),使得測試過程快捷、準確。


■ 可與華儀電子的安規(guī)測試儀連結;組成安規(guī)六合一(ACW/DCW/IR/GB/RUN/LLT)測試系統(tǒng)
■ 超大型 320 x 240 Graphic LCD ,可同時顯示量測電壓/接觸電流及測試時間
■ 量測頻寬 DC - 1MHz 完全符合 IEC60990 接觸電流測試規(guī)范
■ 可量測*大峰值 75mApeak / 有效值 35mArms,滿足安規(guī)機構測試驗證需求(選配)
■ 內建 7 組人體模擬阻抗(MD)且可擴充一組,一臺儀器就可以滿足多種安規(guī)標準要求
■ MD具有BNC量測端子,可外接示波器或電壓表讀取MD電壓值,方便對MD進行校準
■ 人體模擬阻抗(MD)的校準方式,可以完全符合IEC60990標準規(guī)定進行
■ 可靈活選擇MD漏電流量測點(如: IEC60065 U1&U2);符合安規(guī)標準要求
■ 負載*大容量為 10KVA / 40Arms,允許啟動瞬間承受 250Apeak 不切斷保護
■ 可選配產品電氣性能量測模塊(RUN Test Module),可量測功率/電壓/電流/功率因子?
■ 可選配多功能界面卡內含USB-A數據收集功能,內部記憶可儲存至少10萬筆的測試結果

MODEL 7630
Voltage 115/230VAC±15%
Frequency 50/60Hz±5%
Fuse 2A Slow-Blo 250V AC
Line condition
Power Switch Reverse polarity switch for normal condition (on / off / auto setting)
Neutral Switch Neutral switch on/off selection for single fault condition
Ground Switch Ground switch on/off selection for class I single fault condition
Probe Setting
Surface to Surface (PH-PL)
Surface to Line (PH-L)
Ground to Line(G-L)
Ground to Neutral (G-N)
Auto Function (G-N & G-L)
Touch Current High Limit (RMS) Range: 0.0uA~ 999.9uA/ 1000uA~5999uA/ 6.00mA~20.00mA
Resolution: 0.1uA/1uA/0.01mA
Touch Current Low Limit (RMS) Range: 0.0-999.9 uA
Resolution: 0.1uA
Touch Current High Limit (Peak) Range: 0.0uA - 999.9uA/ 1000uA - 9999uA/ 10.0mA - 30.0mA
Resolution: 0.1uA/1uA/0.1mA
Touch Current Low Limit (Peak) Range: 0.0-999.9 uA
Resolution: 0.1uA
Touch Current Display (RMS) Range 1 0.0uA~ 999.9uA, frequency DC - 1MHz
Resolution 0.1uA
Accuracy DC : ±2% of reading + 3counts
15Hz < f <100khz :="" ±2%="" of="" reading="" +="" 3counts 100KHz < f < 1MHZ : ±5% of reading (10.0uA - 999.9uA)
Range 2 1000uA~8500uA, frequency DC - 1MHz
Resolution 1uA
Accuracy DC : ±2% of reading + 3counts
15Hz < f <100khz :="" ±2%="" of="" reading="" +="" 3counts 100KHz < f <1mhz :="" ±5%="" of="" reading="" (10ua="" -="" 8500ua)="" <="" td="">
Range 3 8.00mA~20.00mA, frequency DC - 1MHz
Resolution 0.01mA
Accuracy DC : ±2% of reading + 3counts?
15Hz < f < 1MHz : ±5% of reading (0.01mA -20.00mA )
Touch Current Display (Peak) Range 1 0.0uA~ 999.9uA, frequency DC - 1MHz
Resolution 0.1uA
Accuracy DC : ±2% of reading +2uA
15Hz < f <1mhz :="" ±10%="" of="" reading="" +2ua="" <="" td="">
Range 2 1000uA ~ 8500uA, frequency DC - 1MHz
Resolution 1uA
Accuracy DC : ±2% of reading +2counts
15Hz < f <1mhz :="" ±10%="" of="" reading="" +2counts="" <="" td="">
Range 3 8.0mA ~ 30.0mA, frequency DC - 100KHz
Resolution 0.01mA
Accuracy DC : ±2% of reading +2counts
15Hz < f < 100KHz : ±10% of reading +2counts
Measuring Device Modlue
MD1 IEC60990 Fig4 U2, IEC 60950-1, IEC60335-1, IEC60598-1, IEC60065, IEC61010
IEC60990 Fig4 U1, IEC60065
MD2 IEC60990 Fig5 U3, IEC60598-1
IEC60990 Fig5 U1
MD3 IEC 60601-1
MD4 UL544NP, UL484 , UL923, UL471, UL867, UL697
MD5 UL544P
MD6 UL1563
MD7 IEC60950, IEC61010-1 FigA.2 (2K ohm) for RUN Test MD Circuit.
External MD Basic measuring element 1k ohm
MD Voltage Limit 70Vdc
Leakage Current Offset Range: 0 - 999.9uA
Resolution: 0.1uA
AC Voltage 0.0-277.0V
AC Current 40Arms max continuous
Over Current Protection 50Arms, Response Time < 3 sec / 250Apeak Response Time <10u sec="" <="" td="">
AC Voltage High/Low Limit Range: 0.0-277.0V
Resolution: 0.1V/step
AC Voltage Display Range: 0.0 - 277.0 V
Resolution: 0.1 volt / step
Accuracy: ±(1.5% of reading + 2 counts) , 30.0 - 277.0VAC
Delay time setting Range: 0.2 !V 999.9 seconds
Resolution: 0.1 second
Timer display Range: 0.0 !V 999.9 seconds
Resolution: 0.1 second
Accuracy: ± (0.1% of reading + 0.05 seconds)
PLC Remote Control Input - Test, Reset, Interlock & Recall File 1 through10
Output - Pass, Fail, Test-in-Process, Start-Out, Reset-Out
Scanner Control It is applied to control Matrix Scanner (Model 7006)
Memory 50 memories , 30steps per each memory . Max. Result Display 900 data (30 memories x 30 steps)
Auto Reverse Function AUTO Reverse ON / OFF parameter setting selection
Automatic Reverse polarity switch for normal condition in one step setting menu.?
Only display maximum leakage current value.
Scope Output Interface At rear panel BNC type to connet scope for some IEC standards test requirement and application.
Display 320 X 240 graphic LCD
LCD Contrast Setting Range: 1-9; 1 is lightest character, 9 is darkest character.
Alarm Volume Setting Range: 0-9; 0=OFF, 1 is softest volume, 9 is loudest volume.
Security Lockout capability to avoid unauthorized access to test set-up programs.
Calibration Software and adjustments are made through front panel,?
Automatic Calibration alert function to signal operator when calibration is due.
Results Display All test result information will be displayed on the screen.
Interface RS232 standard
Safety Product with TUV/GS certificate
Dimension 430 (W) x 133(H) x 300 (D) mm
Weight 12 Kg
Power Cord X1
Fuses X2 (Including a spare contained in the fuse holder)
Interlock Disable Key(1505) X1
TC Receptacle Adaptor Box (1932) X1
Hipot Test Lead for PH / PL (1101) X2
RS232 Link Cable 1.5m(1130) X1
DUT Power Cable 40A(1148) X1
RUN Module (Opot.752)
W Range : 0-1KW / 1-10KW Resolution : 0.5W / 5W
A Range : 0.000 !V 3.500 A / 3.00 - 40.00A , Resolution : 0.001A / 0.01A
PF 0.000 -1.000
Leakage Current Range : 0.00 - 10.00mA , Resolution : 0.01mA
AC Current High/
Low Limit Setting
Range: 0-40A
Resolution: 0.01A/step
AC Current Display Range: 0.000 !V 3.500 A / 3.00 - 40.00A
Resolution: 0.001A / 0.01A
Accuracy : ± (2 % of reading + 5 counts) / ± (2 % of reading + 2 counts)
AC Power High/
Low Limit Setting
Range: 0 - 10KW
Resolution: 1W
AC Power Display Range: 0.0 -1000.0W / 1000 - 10000W
Resolution: 0.5W / 5W
Accuracy : ±(2 % of reading + 2 counts )
Power Factor High/
Low Limit Setting
Range: 0.000 - 1.000
Resolution: 0.001
Power Factor Display Range: 0.000 - 1.000
Resolution: 0.001
Accuracy : ± (2 % of reading + 2 counts )
Leakage Current High/
Low Limit Setting
Range: 0.00 - 10.00mA
Resolution: 0.01mA
Leakage Current Display Range: 0.00 - 10.00mA
Resolution: 0.01mA
Accuracy : ± (2 % of reading + 2 counts )
Delay Timer Setting Range: 0, 0.2 - 999.9
Resolution: 0.1
Dwell Timer Setting Range: 0, 0.1-999.9 (0=continuous)
Resolution: 0.1
Timer display Range: 0.0 - 999.9 seconds
Resolution: 0.1 second
Accuracy: ± (0.1% of reading + 0.05 seconds)
Power Control It is applied to control Transformer Box (1931/1931S) or AC Power Source
(6700/6800/6400 Series)
HV & GB Link Module (Opt. 753)
Max. ACW 4000VAC, DCW 4000VDC & Max. Ground Bond 40A
GPIB Interface Card (Opt. 731)
Printer Port Interface Card (Opt. 732)
Multi-function Interface Card (Opt. 751)
Including USB port A type, combination of RS-232, RS-485 port, and Bar Code Input with internal memory capability.
High Measurement Range 35mArms / 70mApeak & 4MDs (Opt. 754)
35mArms / 70mApeak for IEC60990 fig4(U1 and U2), IEC60990 fig5(U1 and U3), UL484, IEC60601 Test Requiremt ,?
Notice : Option this MD circuit have to replace MD module all MD circuits .
High Measurement Range 35mArms / 70mApeak & 4MDs (Opt. 754)
1931 Series Transformer Box?
(500VA/ 1KVA/1.8KVA/3.6KVA)
Multi-Tape of 1.0, 1.06, 1.1 times of input voltage.
1931-S Series Transformer Box?
(500VA/ 1KVA/1.8KVA/3.6KVA)
Multi-Tape of 0.8, 0.85, 0.9, 1.0, 1.06, 1.1 times of input voltage.
AC Power Source (Option) Add this option must optional Opt.752 RUN Module.
6800 Series Digital AC Power Source (6805, 6810 , 6820 , 6830 and 6840 )
6700 Series Programmable AC Power Source (6705, 6710 , 6720 , 6730 and 6740 )
6400 Series AC Power Source (6402, 6403, 6405, 6410)